Monday, May 16, 2011

Be Fruitful & Multiply BLOG HOP

I wish I could really call our family of five little blessings BIG, but we are more of a work in progress.  There is nothing more that Todd and I love most is children, both he and I are drawn to them everywhere we go.  SO, naturally, we've had as many as we could possibly have (we married "late" he 34, me 30), so we only have five thus far (Lord willing).

So I asked him for his top 10 reasons why he loves having a BIG family and this is his take:

10.  Can always count on them to give us a good reason to go to Confession ;)

9.  Snack will bever be around long enough to go bad (specially the sweet ones).

8.  You develop a world class ability to concentrate and work with screaming kids around.  {he works from home & we homeschool *wow*}

7.  No need to have birthday guests {though we love them over}

6.  We always get first dibs on the HOV lane!

5.  The guilty child always has numerous pro-bono defense attorneys!  {no joke}

4. We always get our money's worth at the local buffet...not sure if they are in the red that day?  lol

3.  We now have the answer for every know-it-all we meet on the street {since our kids at the ripe ages of 13 and under know it all}.

2.  Large families are just meer purgatory-avoidance-mechanisms!

and my beloved's number one reason:

1.  We have learned to deliver the line, "no, we are not finished" perfectly!

Hop on over and be part of the fun!

Raising (& Teaching) Little Saints Blog Hop

Todd (via Erika)