Thursday, July 2, 2009

Year of the Priest Faith Folder Giveaway!

Ever heard of lapbooks? If you have been homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling, I'm certain you've come across lapbooks. I had never heard of them until my quest for everything homeschooling began. I wish I'd known of this when I was teaching Middle School Language Arts and Literature. So, the other day I was thinking gosh I've never seen a Catholic themed lapbook, I bet those would be neat and bang! I found someone who creates them! This Catholic mom of six calls them "Faith Folders" - I love it! I also found that this blog, Tales from Bonny Blue House is giving away a lapbook based on The year of the Priest! How cool is that? If you post a comment on her blog and then create a post on your own blog (with a link back to her's), you will be entered in the contest. Comments on her site close this Sunday! Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. She also has things called "Faith Rings"...very neat, they are like laminated flash cards on a ring! Very cool, check them out:
